Although all three are watermelons, there are differences between them, where the square and round represents different culture (external) and red, yellow signifies personality (internal).
This represents the existence of intercultural, interpersonal between people, which can be observed in many situations.
Intercultural is the interaction among people of unlike culture (e.g. different countries).
Once, my uncle went to Greece for a holiday, he decided to buy souvenirs for us but because he cannot speak Greek, he had to point to what he wanted and the shopkeeper would bring out the item that he requested. As the correct item was taken out, my uncle nodded his head to show it was correct. However, the shopkeeper put the item back and my uncle was bewildered. Only then he realizes in Greece this gesture means no.
His incident taught me that even though the Greeks and Singaporeans are both human, the differences in culture could result in miscommunication.
Interpersonal communication is interaction between two persons.
In the past, I was grouped with a classmate, whom I perceive him as a bad-mannered and impatient boy, for a project. It was because he ever banged into me and run off without apologizing. However after the project, my impression of him changed as during the project, we had to communicate with each other and that was when we managed to clear the misunderstanding we had. He was actually rushing to the hospital as his grandmother fell and injured her leg.
This indicates that people ought to avoid stereotyping others so that better relationships can be constructed and conflicts should be resolved immediately.
From these experiences, it is highly recommended that we employ effective communication skills in order to minimize conflicts, misunderstandings, and embarrassing moments.