Thursday, January 21, 2010

• Post #1: Communication and teamwork: why they are important for me?

Communication is the interchange of thoughts, opinions or information through various medium. For example, the medium can be in the form of speech, written and actions.

Communication is important to me because as a human being, we often interact with others for various reasons, which ranges from official to informal like meeting a very important person (VIP) to hanging out with friends and colleague. The fact that we socialise with people means we need to communicate to express our feelings to minimise conflicts. This lets people of different culture and backgrounds become friends. In addition, communication provides a channel of learning to other people's belief, culture and perception of similar things. Moreover, communication enables people to grow and become wiser, especially when others provide constructive feedback about the opinions, thoughts and experience that you shared. Furthermore, by interacting with people of diverse backgrounds, you can learn to develop social skills like respecting other's culture, accommodating their shortcomings and providing a helping hand when it is required. On top of that, you are able to build up self-esteem as you have to be confident of what you wish to say before you are brave enough to do a presentation.

Teamwork is the cooperation between members in a team.

Teamwork is significant to me as studies have shown that the chances of finding a human that can survive independently from others, that is to not have any form of connection with others, is very low. In other words, almost everyone depend on others for their well-being and survival, including you and me. In addition, by working in a team and executing teamwork, one is able to complete a task more efficiently through the collective efforts of the team members.

In conclusion, as the benefits clearly outnumber the disadvantages of communication and teamwork, it implies that the two points are important to me. It is because they will assist me to become a better person with the ability to co-exist peacefully with others.


  1. Hi Jonathan,
    I like your explanations on communication and teamwork. However, it can be better if you can link the two topics together since I believe that communication and teamwork are interlinked and they work hand in hand. In addition, in your explanation about communications, there was an interesting part about the direct benefits to us, such as the building up of social skills and self-esteem. This part is quite interesting, and was missed out in the other blogs (including my own), which I enjoyed very much.

  2. Hi Jonathan,
    You have clearly explained what communication and teamwork are but I felt that you have not really showed that they are very much related to each other. The part on communication was well described whereas I felt that you could write more about teamwork and how it is actually related to communication. The content was good and your views and opinions were very clearly expressed. :)

  3. Hi Jonathan

    It was indeed a pleasure to read your blogging assignment. You have a good start with clear explanation of the term communication. You have also brought up the point about effective communication allowing people to learn more about each others’ cultures and hence resulting in people respecting culture differences. I feel that this is highly relevant to our lives as first of all Singapore itself is a multi-cultural country and more important of all, we are all now in NUS where we see and meet many international students every day. As such, effective communication is definitely important to us. Keep up the good thinking! However, there seems to be a slight imbalance in your post with a larger portion of your post talking about communication and a comparatively smaller portion on teamwork. I also feel that a slightly more detailed explanation of the term teamwork would have been better though the current short definition is still good in a way due to its conciseness.

