Blog reflection
Judging criteria:
1) Structure and content
2) Language
3) Audience – Awareness
4) Voice
5) Visual Aids
Team performance:
Overall, the team performed exceptionally well in terms of good co-ordination skills and teamwork between team members. This may be evident when we tried to ensure smooth transitions from speaker to speaker. For example, the last sentence of the prior speaker will have an idea that coincides with the agenda of the next speaker. Moreover, we conducted numerous rehearsals before the actual presentation to familiarise ourselves with our scripts, emphasizing on the transition.
Self performance:
I think that I fared better for this presentation; an improvement in contrast to the previous presentation.
1. I was more composed, relaxed, and had attempted to maintain a constant eye contact with the audience.
2. Although there were occasional pauses to reorganize my thoughts, the general flow of the presentation was kept constant and there were fewer repetitions on the similar ideas.
3. Since I was the first presenter, the content of my script was more of an introduction and was not as statistics-intensive as the previous presentation. Therefore, I was able to include more visual aids to help complement my presentation, thereby capturing the attention of the audiences.

However, there maintains a big room for improvement. More practice in required of us, especially in the area of confidence during presentation and English language.
1. I still lack the true confidence that a speaker should have. A speaker should be fluent in the delivery of a speech.
2. In addition, I ought to vary my tone so as to emphasize on the important messages that I want the audience to have a strong impression of.
3. Lastly, I have to expand my vocabulary so that there is more variety in the choice of words that I can utilise.