Hi everyone, on Thursday 4th February 2010, I had a conferencing with Miss Happy at her office. During the conferencing, it was mentioned that there ought to be a checklist or criteria that I should use to judge against when I was posting constructive criticisms on the blogging groups’ blog posts. The use of a checklist was not applied, as a result, most of the comments that I posted for others were in a positive tone. However, I should have been more critical towards the posts that were written. By doing so, I would be able to improve on my ability to convey not-so-nice criticisms via pleasant-hearing words. Therefore, for the subsequent blog posts, I will be commenting using the criteria abovementioned. The first is the logistics, followed by the language and organisation.
To start, for the logistics portion, the bulk of the feedback will be contributed by the appropriate use of written text, visuals, audio, and hyperlinks. Next, the language and the organization will consist of the use of 7Cs (clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous). In the 7Cs, there shall be emphasis on the conciseness as I believe it is difficult to adhere to the word limit while trying to bring the idea across successfully.
Besides the absence of a checklist, I have also committed the error of not relating the blog posts to the theme of teamwork and communication. Therefore for the remaining posts, I will attempt to associate the post closely in accordance to the theme.
In conclusion, I shall relate some of the previous posts to the theme.
For post 4, on the reflection of the meeting, the teamwork between the group members could be improved through more communication and rebuttals of ideas.
For post 3, on an incident on resolving interpersonal conflicts, perhaps I could have explained on how, before the misunderstanding, the teamwork and communication among the friends were excellent. However, after the incident, their friendship turned sour due to the lack of a proper communication between them.
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