Blog reflection
Judging criteria:
1) Structure and content
2) Language
3) Audience – Awareness
4) Voice
5) Visual Aids
Team performance:
Overall, the team performed exceptionally well in terms of good co-ordination skills and teamwork between team members. This may be evident when we tried to ensure smooth transitions from speaker to speaker. For example, the last sentence of the prior speaker will have an idea that coincides with the agenda of the next speaker. Moreover, we conducted numerous rehearsals before the actual presentation to familiarise ourselves with our scripts, emphasizing on the transition.
Self performance:
I think that I fared better for this presentation; an improvement in contrast to the previous presentation.
1. I was more composed, relaxed, and had attempted to maintain a constant eye contact with the audience.
2. Although there were occasional pauses to reorganize my thoughts, the general flow of the presentation was kept constant and there were fewer repetitions on the similar ideas.
3. Since I was the first presenter, the content of my script was more of an introduction and was not as statistics-intensive as the previous presentation. Therefore, I was able to include more visual aids to help complement my presentation, thereby capturing the attention of the audiences.

However, there maintains a big room for improvement. More practice in required of us, especially in the area of confidence during presentation and English language.
1. I still lack the true confidence that a speaker should have. A speaker should be fluent in the delivery of a speech.
2. In addition, I ought to vary my tone so as to emphasize on the important messages that I want the audience to have a strong impression of.
3. Lastly, I have to expand my vocabulary so that there is more variety in the choice of words that I can utilise.

hi everyone, due to the presence of a word limit, I was unable to include the reflection on the non-verbal aspects. Therefore, I will include the reflections on non-verbal aspects in a post that I will be uploading soon.
Hi Jonathan. I liked the way you started off your reflection by stating your criteria, which is quite good, as one will get a clear view of your reflections and it also helps you not to miss out any points which you actually want to reflect on. You managed to keep to the criteria and made sure that you covered all the points.
ReplyDeleteYour presentation was quite good. There was a really big difference between your first presentation and this one. You did take note from last time all the points that you needed to improve on and the mistakes that you made and tried your best to present better and rectify them. First thing that was noticeable was that you did not make use of any cue cards, which allowed you to maintain suitable eye contact with the audience. You made use of appropriate visual aids, which were good as the ideas that you wanted to convey could be easily understood by the audience. You also answered the questions that were asked during the Q&A session quite politely.
However, I felt that you seemed quite nervous and there was a tensed look on your face, which makes the audience feel that you are not familiar with the content. You should have tried to be more relaxed and confident. Also, maybe you could have used better vocabulary and tried to emphasise more on the important points of your speech, which would have made it sound more professional and persuasive. Other than these, your presentation was quite well done. :)
Hi Jonathon,
ReplyDeleteYour reflection on your presentation is well written and constructive. It is good that you have presented your self-evaluation criteria to the reader right at the beginning. It makes it easier for them to follow how you have evaluated yourself. I agree with the points you have brought up such as you maintaining a relaxed posture during the presentation. I also observed that you maintained very good eye contact with the audience. However, at times I felt that you restricted the eye contact to only a certain portion of the audience. This may have been due to your positioning while you presented so you could improve on that. Apart from that, I enjoyed your presentation as it was generally well delivered with an appropriate speed and volume. You have also identified some areas for you to improve on. I feel that this is commendable as it is very crucial indeed that you are honest in your evaluation and are able to work on your weaknesses. However, I feel that you could have tried to summarize the evaluation regarding the verbal aspects so as to accommodate some evaluation on the non-verbal aspects too. Nevertheless, good reflection so far. (:
Hi Jonathan:
ReplyDelete(Just make some random comments on random people, hopefully will pull my blog's grade up a bit...)
Just some points that you might wish to think about,
1. Agreed with them that you have chosen a nice way to start your blog, it gives the read a better idea how you are going to write the blog. Most of the criteria that you have chosen are very understood, however i just am not so sure about the audience-awareness part, by that you meant engaging the audience? or postures/gestures that make yourself better posed? maybe a bit more elaboration could be offered here.
2. I understand that team evaluation is only a small part of this blog, but maybe you could offer a more panoramic view of your overall performance as a team?
apart from transition? haha i understand that word count might be a concern, maybe you could have better summarized the points?
3.i think your points on personal evaluation are spontaneous and genuine, i also think you have improved as a speaker since the last presentation. Just one thing, i think you might have spent too much time on the content of the ppt that time spent on script/rehearsal is compromised. You could have been even more well-versed with your content =]
4. Lastly, its really interesting that you brought up the point on vocabulaire. Indeed, a large vocabulary can help us vary the way how we structure our sentences and in doing so, capture the attention of the audience. I think thats one part we all should work on, haha maybe its time to start preparing for our GRE
Overall nice blog, comprehensive evaluation with depth.Keep it up.
Tan Chen
hi i will be posting a post reflection soon