This will be my final entry for this blog site. In my final post, I will be talking about the skills that I managed to acquire throughout the CG1413 module. Furthermore, I will cover my objectives that I aim to accomplish within my university life.
To begin, I would like to extend my gratitude to the people (they will be mentioned below), who offered guidance, feedbacks and advices throughout the module.

Back to the actual post, in this module, I attained these skills:
a)basic skills
1.being punctual
2.being responsible
4.following instructions
5.getting along with people
6.getting things done
b)people skills
1.being cultural sensitive
2.being flexible
3.being patient (until the deadline draws nearer)
4.being responsive
5.being tolerant (bubble sorting)
6.developing rapport
9.listening actively
c)dealing with data
3.interviewing ( needs more improvement)
5.being tech-savvy
6.being web-savvy
Although the above list may seem long, there are still rooms for improvement. I need to work on the area of leadership, writing and speaking skills.In addition, I need to brush up on the being sensitive (generally) aspect because I am a straight-forward person. Thus, I often blurt my thoughts (both positive and negative) on the effort put in by other without considering the feelings of the other party. Moreover, I failed in the aspect of empathizing, as I often put up unreasonable deadline for my group members to complete their designated tasks even though I knew they are busy with other projects. (The original intention is to complete the project as soon as possible so that we will have more time for other projects).
Next, I will mention on my goals that I want to achieve during my 4 years in NUS. After looking through the list that was given, I noticed that accountancy graduates have an employment rate of 100%. Therefore, I might consider taking more accounting modules for my breadth. Meanwhile, the prospect of information systems looks bright, so if I were to choose a major or specialization for computing, I would be likely to head to the information systems direction. Besides the modules selection, I intend to build up my resume by taking up jobs during vacation and participate in the organizing of future orientation camps.

Therefore, with these goals in mind, I am likely to be working in a bank as an IT consultant or in some computing companies as a programmer
Special thanks to the following people:
1.Miss Happy – for being the excellent tutor of C03 and is always willing to answer any questions that I have, even silly questions
2.Alden – for being the “class monitor “ of the class , in charge of almost everything (from linking the blogs to preparing a gift for Miss Happy)
3.Gillian – for being the first friend from EE that I know and bringing laughter to the class
4.Geat keat – for attending all the tutorial with me even though no one else went (esp. maths)
5.Iswarya – for giving constructive comments for my blog which allows me to get better in writing
6.Krithika – for willing to volunteer to do up the animation, special effects for the presentation even though you are busy with hall events, school projects
7.Manjula – for providing entertaining blog posts for me to read and to comment
8.Preeti – for being an effective leader at designating work and doing the fabulous bubble sort
9.Renuka – for correcting and improving the reports that I send to you for the 1102 project
10.Roger – for being my coding mate for the 1102 project and lasting through the horrible night(esp when the project deadline is the next day)
11.Tan chen – for taking the extra effort to comment on my blog even though you are not in the same group and giving me advices on presentation and many others
12.Ying cong – for willing to put up with my incompetence for the 1108 project as I was unable to help out with the programming logic
13.Zhi hong – for sharing jokes, accompany me during the long and boring bus rides to school and from school
14.Zhu li – for being a wonderful leader for the 1413 bus project and helping me practice for the presentation even though you have not done so for your part

Dear Jonathan,
ReplyDeleteI like the layout of your post which not only shows your reflection but also gives gratitude to everyone in the class.
As mentioned in your post, I agree that frankness is one of your strong points. By being direct, you had pointed out mistakes that others (such as I) had made but did not realise. At the same time, I feel that you have become more aware of others' feelings over time. By incorporating directness and frankness, I feel that you would definitely become a capable leader and valuable team member.
While working together with you in the Cg1108, I have found you to be a capable and patient team mate. In spite of the hectic schedule, you were always able to manage the stress and complete any tasks that you set out to do confidently. Also, I would like to apologise for putting up with my unreasonable demands and frustrations.
I look forward to working with you again in the future. Good luck for your exams :)
Ying Cong